tommorow im going to AcutAbove, Sunway Pyramid to get a new hair cut! xpyh buat appointment bcoz hair stylist tu knai i sgt. 3years plus dh dok buat rmbut kt dia. ptong rmbut la. highlight color la. perm la. so she know me best. cuma when im in penang n desperately wanna do hair jah i x wat kt dia. msa im in kl i mst pi buat kt dia. heeee and pnh hr tuh i kt dlm parkson, she tegoq i. i x prasan her. i jln lju gila. then dia tarek tgn i tya khbar n all. so sweet of her. she's sabahan. hot gila even dh 40 plus! she cuts n color her own hair. i pnh tgk dpn mata. expert gilaaaa!
okay2 back to hairstyle i wanna do. i search image at google image td. under HAIRSTYLE 2011. got 5 photos yg i berkenan sgt. but ignore the hair color. just wanna follow the hairstyle. but still hv to choose which 1. i know i am no one to talk about it well this is just my opinion. lets start with this 1.
1) this 1 look kinda cute but stil rugged a bit and messy. suitable with her face but will it perfectly fit my face? idts~
2) aaauuwwww this gurl sumpah sweet! sweet gilo rmbut dia mcm ni! xpa la muka dia pun sweet santeks. i klaw wat mcm ni jgn hrp sweet. mst sewel on me T__________T
3) wahhhh comey lah amoi nih. nih asian look n style psai kat caption gmbq tuh kta mcm tuh. heeeeeeeee cntek kn. color rmbut pown cntek. mcm nk dark purple. tp muka i yg tembam tuh buat lgu ni sah2 nmpk lgi tembam kn! LOL
4) ok this hair looks elegant tp nmpk matured sgt. for adult okay la. kemas jah rmbut ni
5) last but not least. gggrrrrr! lol. rugged gila rmbut mcm ni! stylo sgt2! hahha ni klaw buat mcm ni mmg bajet pink im am rockstar la! hehe i wont dare to do this style laa. jgn rsaw. nk punk sgt japgi kna pelempang ngn nenek!
OK habeih dh 5 style yg i adore! actually i sja lah pompang2 ckp psai hairstlye 2011 nih. i sedaq diri kot. i x style lgsg. bergaya haram dak. pkai bju murah2 ja. sobso. i prefer my hair stylist decide how to cut my hair. x psai la nk tiru2 artis ka model ka. dpa tuh segak2. lawa2. mmg dpa wat rmbut lgu mna pown seswai jahh. i klaw pelik2 bkn jdi comel tp jd comot =.=
HAHHA hmpa kna tipu! wakakakakakakaka i nk trim fringe and rmbut cabang jah esok. x smpai 5minit siap aaa. penat pukoi kaki jah pi salon. so u all x pyh susah2 nk decide which hair style i better do psai i mmg nk keep my hair long. . sobsob dh bosan rmbut pendek! hahha bye!
okay2 back to hairstyle i wanna do. i search image at google image td. under HAIRSTYLE 2011. got 5 photos yg i berkenan sgt. but ignore the hair color. just wanna follow the hairstyle. but still hv to choose which 1. i know i am no one to talk about it well this is just my opinion. lets start with this 1.
OK habeih dh 5 style yg i adore! actually i sja lah pompang2 ckp psai hairstlye 2011 nih. i sedaq diri kot. i x style lgsg. bergaya haram dak. pkai bju murah2 ja. sobso. i prefer my hair stylist decide how to cut my hair. x psai la nk tiru2 artis ka model ka. dpa tuh segak2. lawa2. mmg dpa wat rmbut lgu mna pown seswai jahh. i klaw pelik2 bkn jdi comel tp jd comot =.=
HAHHA hmpa kna tipu! wakakakakakakaka i nk trim fringe and rmbut cabang jah esok. x smpai 5minit siap aaa. penat pukoi kaki jah pi salon. so u all x pyh susah2 nk decide which hair style i better do psai i mmg nk keep my hair long. . sobsob dh bosan rmbut pendek! hahha bye!
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