Friday, February 12, 2010

Aamir Khan: An amazing personality

The archaic pedagogy is costing dear to the whole society but we are indifferently letting our children be ruined. The present scenario of rote learning and peer pressure has made India rank number one regarding the rate of suicides by students.
THERE ARE a very few actors in our prestigious film industry who would be as selective as is the seasoned actor Aamir Khan is. He decisively does just one film per year and each time he gives his viewers a substantial food for thought. I have been immensely impressed by his two movies- Rang de Basanti and the latest 3 Idiots.
Both of them teach altogether different lessons to the obstinate Indian society. The first one deals with our degraded system of governance, with focus on self-centered politicians and effectively awakens the youth to take up cudgels against the rot. 

It beautifully presents the prevalent apathetic attitude of public at large to the nasty activities of our power corridors but gives a ray of hope of turning the tables around, given that the young generations get up to clean the mess, instead of just verbally criticising it. The second movie portrays what is already known to us but we simply choose to turn a blind eye.

The archaic pedagogy is costing dear to the whole society but we are indifferently letting our children be ruined. The present scenario of rote learning, examination stress, parents' and peer pressure has made India rank number one regarding the rate of suicides by students. 

The rat race of scoring top positions, per cent marks in one's stream and being ahead always wean off all the charm of learning and gives way to mental strain and fear of failure all the time. The kids' interests are crassly ignored for the sake of parents' aspirations. The present age of competition coerces them to study round the clock, keeping recreation conspicuously out of their schedule. Their potential is judged just on the basis of three hours' performance, completely overlooking their whole year's effort in and out of the class.

Parents again come to the picture when result is declared only to draw raw comparisons between their own child and the others'. Do the care-takers ever realise that their progeny do have their own life and the pushed engineers or doctors would do no good if they lack the aptitude for the same? 

The unkind teachers ruthlessly run after the deadlines to complete the text book syllabus without realising that they are meant to produce knowledge recipients and not the information banks. Innovation, new ideas are never encouraged as toeing the laid line is considered far secure.

Can we really afford to wreck havoc on the foundation base of our country that will eventually cause peril to us all? Parents need to be the constant source of motivation and teachers as guides to the architects of future. 

They should let the kids follow their hearts and then see how they bloom and flourish for ever. Education is not about the bookish text being hammered into their heads but about making them aware of nuts and bolts of the things around. In true terms, it involves continuous process of cultivating the yearning to learn and then satisfying the same in the most effective and fascinating manner.

Elderly, please try at least once to listen to what the tender hearts are longing for- 'give me some sunshine, give me some break, give me another chance, I wanna grow up once again'. Hopefully, Aamir Khan and his movies' messages would soon deliver to our deaf ears.

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