Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Celina Jaitley: We haven't made any changes to the original story of ACCIDENT...

Every actor craves for one film which showcases his/her acting talent to the fullest and Celina is no different. She patiently waited for that day to arrive when she would be the central protagonist in a dramatic affair that would revolve around her. ACCIDENT ON HILL ROAD turned out to be one such film which, as the title suggests, is a gritty dramatic thriller where Celina has managed to make people sit up and notice her act that required her to go way beyond the sexy image that she has built for herself and instead showcase the new facet of her persona.

For someone like Celina, who has been around for over half a decade, has enjoyed commercial success on a consistent note and is quite choosy about the film that she signs, ACCIDENT ON HILL ROAD has arrived at just the right time. Celina says, "I would say yes and that's mainly because in ACCIDENT ON HILL ROAD, you don't get to see anything that you have seen of Celina over the years. I am there in a completely different avatar and when I say that the role demanded me to be like this, I truly mean that. The character of Sonam Chopra that I play in the film had to be approached in quite a natural manner since ACCIDENT.... is based on a true life story. The incidents that you see in the film had actually happened somewhere in US a few years back. We primarily re-adapted it to suit the Indian sensibilities."

The situation in the film is that of an accident happening where you are at the driver's seat and there is a man (Farooque Sheikh) who is knocked down. What more could one interpret and do differently in such a situation?

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Celina expounds on the same, "As you would see in the film, it's a really bizarre situation out there. The emotions are completely different as well and they actually come close to being weird. The emotions are completely different and that's mainly because we haven't fictionalized them. They appear on screen as they did in real life; we haven't made many changes. Around 90% is the depiction of what had actually happened and it is only in 10% part of the film where we have taken liberties."

As she just mentioned about this bizarre element in ACCIDENT...other than the crux of this story, has she witnessed anything as bizarre in real life?

Celina at once replies, "No, thankfully not in real life. But I was terrified to hear this horror saga about a murder that had happened in US. It was the most bizarre of it all where a killer chopped off an entire family. Now this man too was quite normal with a wife and children but something prompted him to commit this heinous crime. I guess it is just human nature when sometimes we just loose control over our mind and it forces us to do things that otherwise we would have never imagine ourselves to indulge in."

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Before ACCIDENT..., she has earlier worked in RED which was also a thriller. The film, in spite of popular music, didn't work at the box office. Wasn't she apprehensive entering into a thriller mode again with ACCIDENT..."Actually RED is one movie which is still closest to my heart. It was one of the rare films belonging to noir genre and it's unfortunate that it didn't work. In fact I got all my international projects mainly due to RED and it is one of the most watched Bollywood DVDs in Germany, UK and Middle East. It's incredible. Perhaps the songs, though good, were distracting in a movie like RED because that resulted in the entire charm going off from the narrative," breaks in Celina.

Looking at the way she is so gung ho about ACCIDENT..., it appears that finally she is getting her due. "For me, this was truly the most professional setup. For the first time in my career I did feel that I was actually working in cinema. There was good control over the script and it wasn't like a scene reached the sets an hour before it was meant to be shot. Also, we went through these rounds of rehearsals that further helped us. See, in a movie like ACCIDENT which belongs to the noir genre, as actors you have to be quite careful. It is relatively easier in a comic outing because one doesn't have to hunt for logic but here we had to tie all loose ends before getting a scene running," winds up Celina in an ecstatic tone.

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